
I used to value myself by what others thought of me. But, when I realized that others can only mirror back, what I internally believe of myself, everything changed. I'm grateful for the Captain who repeatedly denied my pay raise during my transition from 2nd to Chief Stew. By doing so, he encouraged me to go inward and change what I believed about myself at the time.

Improving your self-worth is a significant mindset shift that will profoundly affect your career. Believing you are worth it enables you to transition into a Chief Stew role and ask for a higher salary, reflecting what your talents are worth. But more than that, your belief in your self-worth is reflected in your actions, attitudes, and interactions with the crew, guests, and others.

Here are four reasons to invest in your self-worth and how it benefits your stewardess career:

#1 Believe, Receive

What you put out into the world is reflected in you. When you believe you are unworthy, people and situations reflect this, treating you how you believe you deserve. Just like it happen to me with that captain during my transition.

When you wholeheartedly believe you are worthy – of financial gain, fair treatment, equality, etc. – and project those beliefs through your thoughts, words, actions, and interactions with others, the outside world responds in alignment with your beliefs. 

The first thing you can do to start understanding how you value yourself is to download this simple fun sheet and answer it honestly. Click here to download it now. Completing this fun sheet will help you get a handle on your sense of understanding, acceptance, respect, and love for yourself.

#2 Confidence

People pay attention to you when you’re confident in your worth, and what you say carries weight. In short, confidence breeds confidence.

In life and business, you need confidence and courage to ask for what you want and follow things through to the end. One way to boost your confidence is to practice gratitude.

#3 Feel The Fear, Do It Anyway

Success doesn’t come from fearlessness but the ability to feel fear and take the leap regardless. Like I did when I asked the captain if I could lead the team instead of hiring a freelance Chief, which ultimately got me my first Chief Stewardess job.

When you set aside failure as a natural and inevitable part of life, you can make the jump despite the fear because, at the end of the day, you know it’s not going to kill you.

Separating your self-worth from your perceptions of failure is vital to ensuring your success. If the two are linked, you will always feel too afraid to act and never achieve that "fearless" state. 

How about you start placing yourself in situations outside your comfort zone? Maybe share that post you have been thinking about or ask that question you have been saving for later.

#4 Reaching Your Goals without sabotaging them

Self-worth is vital to successfully reaching your goals, both in your personal life and career. As a Stewardess, one of the biggest blocks standing in your way is often the belief that you aren’t worthy of achieving your goal of becoming Chief, so you self-sabotage by telling yourself excuses such as:

  • I'm not sure my knowledge and skills are good enough.

  • I should continue as a 2nd and learn more from other chiefs.

Don't get me wrong, if you need to improve your skills and learn more to transition. Please take the time to do so. But, if you have done your time and are ready to step up, STOP keeping yourself small with these excuses. Keeping yourself small is not an option, and you know this. Stopping yourself from achieving your goal and dream of becoming a Chief Stew will also do a disservice to the world. Because the world needs more people like you to lead by example and show that going for what you want is more than ok, it is your birthright.

Investing in yourself is one of the most practical steps to overcome self-sabotaging behavior, not only in your goal setting but in other areas of life and work.

The Mermaids Kick-Starter Bible will develop and deepen your skills, adding more stability to your life at sea.

The MKSB gives you the foundation, confidence, and skills to go for your dream of becoming a chief and experiencing a smooth transition as one.

Here is what Stacey and Isabel have to say about their MKSB investment:

“I came across Marien and the Mermaids Kick-Starter Bible on Instagram, and so unbelievably happy I did! She has helped me transition into my first Chief Stew role with more confidence and structure. I felt like I had all the ideas but not knowing how to execute them.

All her templates have helped save so much time, letting me be more hands-on in my new Chief Stew role. It has given my team and me the confidence to excel at our job. I’m so excited to start the season; she has helped me feel prepared and answered all my questions, even if it’s not “MKSB” related.

I highly recommend getting involved with Marien; you and your team will greatly benefit. If you love a list, structure, organization, and attention to detail in everything you do, then you’re in the right place :)” - Stacey

“This bible has saved my life more than once. As someone who has always worked as a solo stew and never had a chief stew to guide or teach her, this bible did just that. It also helped me get organized as I also usually cook, and let’s face it, we are more likely to forget things when we multitask. It’s easy to adapt to your current boat and so easy to follow - it's foolproof!!! It has been a great investment in my career. Thank you for putting this together and making it available to us! “- Isabel

Download the MKSB Here